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Customer Testimonials

8 Item(s)

Ecohoy has taken a revolutionary approach to source, promote and sell products from producers who are into eco friendly mode of production and support sustainable development. This appears to be the need of the hour and a great boon to conservation of our ecology. I am sure the products themselves will be of good quality and appeal to the discerning buyers for the aesthetics and for being pro-nature as well. I wish the management and staff of Ecohoy all the best in this novel initiative of theirs.
Mr. Nayanmoni Gohain June 28, 2016
Good options for a start up. Loved how you managed to make it very informative as well keeping the layout so cool. The Carbon footprint tool is a really nice way to know how we are impacting the environment. Tree plantation is a sure shot way to reduce your footprint. Good going!
Sanil Kumar August 01, 2021
By a select invitation program, I came across Ecohoy. Never knew that there are so many eco-friendly substitutes for our day-to-day use. From now on-wards I shall always check out Ecohoy first to see if there is a sustainable solution to my needs. Here is wishing this start-up the best.
Sakshi Dangayach June 28, 2016
Shopping on Ecohoy has beenone of a kind as they provide something different and change is always great because we discover lots of things we never knew before.Ecohoy has been an eye opener to me because it has helped me discover the merits and different types of eco products I never knew of before. It is worth your time.
Aditi Kedia June 28, 2016
Ecohoy entered at a point when it was not only good to know about sustainable products but had already become a necessity to use them. You brought to us very good alternative to any conventional products and help us understand and reduce our carbon footprint as well as let us choose from a wide variety of sustainable products. An amazing start! Wish you all the best.
Ravinand Kumar June 28, 2016
Ecohoy is an eye-opener to the casual customer who now realizes he has a choice whether he wants to make a difference in conserving his planet or remain indifferent. I strongly believe that the mindset of people is gradually changing as they are become increasingly aware of the responsible role they have in protecting our planet for the greater interest of humanity in general. Thank you Ecohoy for showing us the way!
Mandira Chanda June 28, 2016
Fortunately we belonged to a generation that had everything in abundance; unfortunately we did not learn how to conserve. Good news is that All is not lost!! Even when I realized the importance of one's role preserving nature, the mundane facets of life still took precedence. Than I discovered this interesting website. It showed me how it's the smallest of things I could individually do (like planting a tree at the click of a button) & buy (ethical sourced natural products) and at the end of the day feel hopeful about the future. Love what these guys have done! Kudos to all the effort and endless research that ecohoy must have gone through! Look forward to guilt free shopping. Thank you Ecohoy!!
Insha Hoda June 28, 2016
We have already witnessed enough verbal jugglery and we now need evidences regarding environmental initiatives. EcoHoy is not another NGO for Environment; it is certainly an action based initiative, which will help us in transforming ourselves - not tomorrow but today. Click here to read the article
Dr. T.K Jain August 27, 2016

8 Item(s)

Ecohoy is derived from two Eco and Hoy. Hoy in English is used to attract someone’s attention (Recall the pirate’s Ahoy!) and in Spanish it means “Today”. – We strive to divert people’s attention to the environment and aim to catalyze change, not tomorrow but today and beginning now.