Over the years production of plastic has increased exponentially, annually nearly 8 million metric tonnes of discarded plastic ends up in our oceans.  Our dependence on plastic has ended up drowning us in it. If one was to think that the situation is dire now, it is projected to get worse. In 2015, the world produced 448 million tons of plastic and this is expected to double by 2050. 

As conscious consumers we have the power to influence this trend by making choices that can bring about a positive change. Ditching plastics all together is not as simple and practical but there is an increasing range of products that any environment lover will love to explore and use:


1. Plastic-free Toiletry Kit: Crafted with love from bamboo and other renewable plant based material, these natural toiletry kits can make a world of difference to our use of plastic and waste management practices. These products are not only stylish and bio-degradable but come packed with love in Eco-friendly packaging.



2. Biodegradable Phone Cases: Protecting all the corners of your iPhone 11 pro and supporting wireless charging, these flexible and smooth iPhone case is another must-have plastic-free product. Made from  wheat straw, an annually renewable agricultural by-product not only makes its raw material sustainable and Eco-friendly but also provides natural shock absorption. Don’t forget to explore to laptop and tablet sleeves made from re-cycled plastic. 



3. No to Plastic Bags: Fabricated from organic cotton with the objective to promote Zero-waste lifestyle and reduction of plastic use. These bags are designed to hold 10 kgs of fruits and vegetables of your choice. It has smart compartments for easy segregation and use.



4. Activated Coconut Charcoal Natural Air Purifier: Air purifiers that are Chemical-free, BPA-free, Non-toxic are now available.  These natural purifiers are designed to remove odour, indoor pollutants and moisture. These products have a long life of 2 years and can be rejuvenated by placing it in sunlight for 2 hours every month. The purifying bag is also biodegradable making it a must have product for environment lovers.



5. Plastic-Free Sustainable Straw: This is a no brainer. Even if it was the case that there are no plastic free alternatives – chuck the straw and gulp your drink the old fashioned way. If you wish to stick to your habit of using a straw, why not try greener alternatives made from bamboo, recycled paper or everlasting steel straws.



6. Coconut Fiber-Coir Scrub and Laundry Brush: Adding to this list, ensuring a plastic-free safe environment is Scrub and Laundry brushes made from Coconut Fiber. Coconut adds natural antimicrobial characteristics to your cleaning. It is durable and user-friendly. Its biodegradability at the end of the product life makes waste management that much easier.



7. Plantable & Eco-friendly Stationary: Stationary products specially pens and pencils add to our plastic waste. Pens and pencils are now being crafted with love from recycled newspaper, waste cardboards and renewable resources such as bamboo. Stationary is now being designed containing seeds, so that after use, they transform into a loving and caring plant.



While our planet may be choking but everyone needs to keep in mind that every decision we make  as consumers will make a difference. There was no better time for we the consumers to  stand united and brainstorm the environmental impact for every item in our shopping kart. The choices that we make today can help us save our environment from plastics and chemicals tomorrow.



Author : Sapna Isswani