Your Footprint From Electricity Consumption.
This section will calculate your carbon footprint that arises from the use of electricity that you use when you are at home. The calculator takes into account the Carbon Emissions of electricity grids in India and average rate per unit for each grid. We shall automatically convert the monthly figures into yearly figures. Please enter the household consumption or bill. Per member calculation shall be done at our end. Let’s begin!
Your Footprint From Air Travel
If you travel by air it has a substainal impact on your footprint. Given below we have categorized your air travel into short, medium and long haul. They are defined as per the distance range mentioned below. You may change the average distance per flight as per your travel.
Your Footprint when you Drive Around
Driving for work is a prerequisite and driving for leisure is fun. Considerable amount of carbon is emitted from mining of fossil fuels to finally being used in your choice of vehicle. Please select the vehicle that's closet to yours and the average monthly distance travelled. We shall calculate your Annual footprint.
Your Footprint from Using Public Transport
If you use any of the Public Transport mentioned below, please select the same and enter your monthly average distance. For any train travel, please enter the annual distance travelled.